Jadavji Laboratory

Deparment Biomedical Sciences, Division of Molecular and Integrative Physiology

Southern Illinois University


Latest News!
  • Nafisa is organizing a Maternal Nutrition FREE virtual conference, register here!
  • DoHAD researcher?!!!? Check out the Special Issue Nafisa is editing in Nutrients

January 2025
November 2024 
  • Hassant Etti-Balgun joins the Jadavji Lab at PhD Student!
October 2024
September 2024
  • Dr. Jadavji elected to Fellow of the American Heart Association (FAHA)
  • Dr. Mitra Esfandiarei visits SIUC and presents her research through a talk titled 'Decoding the Blueprint: Signaling Pathways & Therapeutic Targets in Genetic Aortic Aneurysms'
  • Jadavji Lab first experiment and lab meeting happened this month!
August 2024
July 2024 
  • Dr. Jadavji selected to attend the NIA Butler-Williams Scholars program
  • A new pre-print out from the Jadavji Laboratory, we measured metabolites (using untargeted metabolomics) in stool samples from mice that had a stroke. Their moms were deficient in dietary choline or folic acid. We report that female offspring from moms that had reduced dietary intake of choline or folic acid during pregnancy and lactation had more changes in metabolite levels. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.06.29.601358v2 
  • Second Preprint posted in July the Jadavji Laboratory. In this study we show inflammation is reduced in male offspring from mothers that were deficient in choline during pregnancy and location. We discuss the implications of these findings and have lots of new ideas for other studies. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.07.15.603575v1 
June 2024 
  •  Dr. Jadavji swears in for her position as the President of the Graduate Women in Science National Council 
  • Dr. Jadavji attends the annual meeting for the American Society for Nutrition, Nutrition 2024 in Chicago!
  • Dr. Jadavji virtually attended the NIH 10th Annual Brain Intiative meeting.
  • The Jadavji Laboratory opens its' doors at Southern Illinois University, School of Medicine! 
May 2024 
  • Dr. Jadavji and collaborators publish a protocol describing how to induce maternal dietary deficiencies in either folic acid or choline in the Journal of Visualize Experiments 

April 2024 
  • Siddarth Gunnala, MBS student in the Jadavji Laboratory wins 'Outsanding poster presentation' at Kenneth Saurez Research Day! Congrats Sidd! 
  • Sanika Joshi, Sidd Gunnala, and Manogna Nuthi and  present their data at the Kenneth Saurez Research Day! 
  • Sidd Gunnala defends his thesis and is officially a Master of Science! 
  • Dr. Jadavji attends 'Advancing the Study of Stroke in Women Through the Integration of Basic, Clinical, and Socioeconomic Perspectives' meeting housed by PROWESS in Washington, DC and presented data from the lab. 
  • Dr. Jadavji joins the editorial board of Heliyon (Cell Press Journal) 
March 2024 
  • Sidd Gunnala, MBS-2 student, presents his data at Genetic Society of America TAGC meeting in Washington, DC 
February 2024 
  • Student Doctor Joshi from Jadavji Laboratory publishes another paper
  • Student Doctor Gunther Strash joins the Jadavji Laboratory 
  • Dr. Jadavji led a successful webinar for the American Society for Nutrition, Early Career in Nutrition on how Scientists can talk to the media. 
  • Dr. Jadavji co-led a reproducibility 4 Everyone workshop for the Genetics Society for America TAGC meeting. 
January 2024 
December 2023 
 November 2023 
  • Jadavji Laboratory published a key paper from our funding from the American Heart Association, about how maternal deficiencies in folic acid or choline impact ischemic stroke outcome in male and female offspring, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37282475/ 
  • Dr. Jadavji was invited to present our AHA funded research at the Department of Nutrition weekly seminar at the University of Nevada in Reno. 
  • Dr. Jadavji spoke at the NINDs organized panel on Scientific Rigor at the Society for Neuroscience Meeting in Washington, DC 
  • Dr. Jadavji invited to become a Full Member of Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society 
  • Dr. Jadavji invited to become an Associate Editor at Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences; Micronutrient Biology 
  • Dr. Jadavji wrote about becoming a Mother in Science, https://www.mothersinscience.com/journeys/nafisa-jadavji 
October 2023 
  • Jadavji Laboratory published our study on blood flow after ischemic stroke in offspring from folic acid or choline deficient moms, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37801048/ 
  • Abbey McKee, DO student in the Jadavji Laboratory won 1st place for poster presentation at the AZ American Physican's Meeting 
  • Sanika Joshi, DO student; Alisha Harrison, Senior Lab Specialist; Petter Burrows, CVM fellow and Siddarth Gunnala, MBS student in the Jadavji Laboratory presented their research at the AZ Physiological Meeting 
  • Siddarth Gunnala, MBS Student and Petter Burrows, CVM Student from the Jadavji Laboratory presented their research at the Phoenix Children’s Hospital Research Day 

 September 2023 
  • Jadavji Laboratory DO Students: Sapna Virdi, Abbey McKee, and Manogna Nuthi published a review paper that describes the role of one-carbon metabolism on healthy aging in Nutrients. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37764675/ 
  • Dr. Jadavji collaborated with researchers in the UK to run a Frontiers in Nutrition Research topic and our editor was published, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37781130/ 
  • Jadavji Laboratory DO Students: Sanika Joshi and Abbey McKee present their research project at the AZ AD Consortium 
  • Jadavji Laboratory DO Student: Sanika Joshi’s review paper TBI was accepted in Neural Regeneration Research 
  • Dr. Jadavji was invited to join the F100 Health Open Research Advisory Board, https://healthopenresearch.org/advisors 
August 2023 
  • Brooklyn Flynn, DO Student, joins the Jadavji Lab to work on the National Faculty Job Market Collaboration 
  • Dr. Jadavji collaborated with members from Reproducibility for Everyone put together a Research Topic on Reproducibility in Neuroscience, https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/26709/reproducibility-in-neuroscience 
  • Dr. Jadavji took the #MentorFirst pledge, https://mentorfirst.org/ 
  • Dr. Jadavji is elected as the President-Elect for the Graduate Women in Science organization. 
  • Petter Burrows, CVM Student from the Jadavji Laboratory presented his summer research project at the National Veterinary Scholars Symposium meeting in Puerto Rico. 
July 2023 
  • The Jadavji Laboratory presented our two of our research projects at the American Society of Nutrition on one-carbon metabolism over-supplementation and maternal nutrition. 
 June 2023 
  • Annual Jadavji lab Reproducibility for Everyone workshop presentation with pizza! 
  • Dr. Jadavji was selected for an honorary membership from the Graduate Women in Science for Education Excellence 
  • During a weekly lab meeting the Jadavji Lab generated lab values, these can be found here: https://www.jadavjilab.com/lab-values.html 
April 2023 
  • Jadavji Laboratory DO Students: Sanika Joshi, Himmat Dhillon, Alice Yaldiko, and Purvaja Marella present their research at the Arizona Osteopathic Medical Association Clinical Case Competition 
  • Jadavji Laboratory DO Students: Sanika Joshi, Himmat Dhillon, Faizan Anwar, Alice Yaldiko, and Purvaja Marella present their research at the Kenneth Suarez Research Day at Midwestern University 
  • Student Doctor Joshi was awarded the Kenneth Saurez Fellowship to conduct research in the Jadavji Laboratory for the Summer of 2023 
March 2023 
  • The Jadavji Laboratory published a key paper from our American Heart Association grant evaluating the long-term impact of maternal dietary deficiencies in folic acid or choline on middle-aged male and female offspring, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37049396/ 
  • The first graduate student from the Jadavji Laboratory published her data paper in Nutritional Neuroscience, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36932327/ 
  • Jadavji Laboratory DO Student: Sanika Joshi presents her research project at the Abrazo Health Regional Research Day 
  • Dr. J presents the laboratory research at the Genetics Society of America Drosophila meeting. 
  • Dr. J speaks about her work on academic bullying and the impact it can have on mental health to Clara at End Bullying Now 
February 2023 
  • Dr. J and DO students working in the laboratory head to Café Rumba for a tasty lab lunch! 
  • Dr. J lead the American Society for Nutrition: Early Career Nutrition Interest Group: Promotion in Academia Webinar 
January 2023 
  • The Jadavji Laboratory was awarded a grant from the Arizona Department of Health Sciences, titled ‘Exploring the Unknown: The Impact of Maternal Dietary Contributions of One-Carbon Metabolism on Offspring Vasculature’ 
  • New Graduate Student Siddarth Gunnala rocks his thesis presentation at the Graduate Student Seminar! 
 December 2022 
  • Lauren Hurley a CVM fellow in the Jadavji Laboratory presented her research at Phi Zeta Research Day 
November 2022 
October 2022 
  • The Jadavji Laboratory DO Student Calli Bennett published her work in Nutritional Neuroscience investigating the impact of folic acid dietary deficiencies on brain function, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34042561/ 
September 2022 
  • The Jadavji Laboratory DO Student Sapna Virdi published her review on how maternal folates impact brain development and function after birth, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36144280/ 
July 2022 
  • Dr. Jadavji along with international collaborators published an editorial outlining the role of Epigenetics in neuropsychiatric disorders, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35959102/ 
  • The Jadavji Laboratory DO Students, Joshua and Sean as well as Dental Student, Neha Kwatra published their paper on how aged females are impacted by ischemic stroke and vitamin B12 deficiency, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35889916/ 
May 2022 
  • Jesse Jauhal successfully defends his thesis. He is the second graduate students in the Jadavji Laboratory and wins the Outstanding Research Award for his research. 
 April 2022 
  • Sarah Coonrod presents her research project at Experimental Medicine meeting in Philadelphia 
  • Jadavji Laboratory posts a preprint titled ‘Reduced stroke outcome in old-aged female mice maintained on a dietary vitamin B12’ on BioRxiv. 
 March 2022 
  • Dr. Jadavji presents lab research at Open Science Presentation, available here 
February 2022 
  • Dr. Jadavji joins the editorial board of Scientific reports 

April 2021
  • McCoy Clementson was awarded was awarded the Kenneth Saurez Fellowship to conduct research in the Jadavji Laboratory for the Summer of 2021 
 April 2020 
  • Student Doctor Calli Bennett and Forrest Bethel were awarded the Kenneth Saurez Fellowship to conduct research in the Jadavji Laboratory for the Summer of 2020. 
March 2022 
  • First data paper from the Jadavji Lab published! We present mechanisms on how a MTHFR deficiency impacts ischemic stroke outcome, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32448097/ 
  • Thank-you to our first student, Jamie Abato, a College of Veterinary Medicine Research Assistant 
July 2021 
  • The Jadavji Laboratory MBS student, Gyllian Yahn and Pharmacy student, Jeannine Leoncio published their review of how dietary supplementation of 1C carbon metabolism on stroke outcome, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33631772/ 
June 2021 
January 2021 
  • The Jadavji Laboratory gets get a new home in FH 131 
  • The Jadavji Laboratory publishes a review in the Special Issue of Journal of Neuroscience Research, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32112450/ 

July 2019 
  • Jadavji Laboratory doors open! A dream come true! 
April 2019 
  • Jadavji Laboratory website launched! 

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