Jadavji Laboratory

Deparment Biomedical Sciences, Division of Molecular and Integrative Physiology

Southern Illinois University

Science Communication & Media Coverage of Research


Women are better than men at science job interviews. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-024-03107-9

An updated and expanded characterization of the biological sciences academic job market. https://shorturl.at/mRuEz 

Impact of Maternal Diet on Offspring Blood Flow. https://shorturl.at/auJR2 

What Data Tells Us About Landing a Faculty Job. https://www.insidehighered.com/opinion/career-advice/carpe-careers/2023/08/07/applicant-surveys-reveal-factors-landing-faculty-job#

Mentoring benefit for the mentor and mentee. Jadavji laboratory Blog.

Jadavji Laboratory Turns 4: Celebrating accomplishments and reflecting on the future. Jadavji laboratory Blog. https://www.jadavjilab.com/blog/jadavji-laboratory-turns-4-celebrating-accomplishments-and-reflecting-on-the-future

A Neuroscientist’s take: Going on maternity leave while being on the tenure clock. Jadavji laboratory Blog.

The prevalence and impact of bullying on academics: summary of results from an international survey. https://www.jadavjilab.com/blog/the-prevalence-and-impact-of-bullying-on-academics-summary-of-results-from-an-international-survey

Surviving my second year on the tenure track during a global pandemic. Jadavji laboratory Blog. https://www.jadavjilab.com/blog/surviving-my-second-year-on-the-tenure-track-during-a-global-pandemic
Mannam S. Interview with Dr. Jadavji. Journal of Young Investigators. https://www.jyi.org/2021-june/2021/6/8/interview-with-dr-nafisa-jadavji

Interview Narrative: Nafisa Jadavji, Assistant Professor. McGill University. Track Report Connect Exchange. http://tracemcgill.com/nafisa-jadavji/
Reflections on the first year of a tenure track job: learning to embrace chaos. Jadavji laboratory Blog. https://www.jadavjilab.com/blog/reflections-on-the-first-year-of-a-tenure-track-job-learning-to-embracing-chaos

Kwarta N, Jadavji NM. How changes in our genes impact outcome after stroke. Atlas of Science. https://atlasofscience.org/how-changes-in-our-genes-impact-outcome-after-stroke/
Using social media to enhance your scientific training and reducing social isolation. Jadavji Lab Blog.

Learning to teach in academia. Jadavji Lab Blog.

Bullying in academia: Tales from victims and a call to action. ecrLife.
Importance of building a network during postdoctorate training. Jadavji Lab Blog.
Respect the hustle: landing a tenure track job in 2019. Jadavji Lab Blog.

Powell K.  Daunting but doable: Job searching after a postdoc. Science Magazine.
CSMB-SCMB Slack Career Profile. New Principal Investigator
Twitter Curating: STEM Squad, https://thestemsquad.org/
Nutrition & Parkinson’s disease: is there a link? American Nutrition Society Blog.

What role does nutrition play on vascular dementia? American Nutrition Society Blog. https://nutrition.org/what-role-does-nutrition-play-on-vascular-dementia/
The role of maternal folic acid supplementation on offspring neurodevelopment. American Nutrition Society Blog. https://nutrition.org/the-role-of-maternal-folic-acid-supplementation-on-offspring-neurodevelopment/
How what you eat affects your brain. The Addictive Brain. https://www.facebook.com/notes/the-addictive-brain/how-what-you-eat-affects-your-brain-nafisa-jadavji/1977391632292770/
Nafisa’s top ten tips for oral and poster presentations. Journal of Young Investigators Blog. https://www.jyi.org/blog/2018/6/11/nafisas-top-ten-tips-for-oral-and-poster-presentations
How to choose a postdoc lab. Graduate Women in Science EMPOWER. https://mailchi.mp/gwis/how-to-choose-a-postdoc-lab?e=744f87f042
How does nutrition impact stroke outcome? American Nutrition Society Blog. https://nutrition.org/how-does-nutrition-impact-stroke-outcome/
Visitor of the Week: Nafisa Jadavji. Current Exchange: A blog by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Meetings and Courses. https://currentexchange.cshl.edu/blog/2018/4/visitor-of-the-week-53
Folic acid during early brain development is important, but too much is not good. https://brainandlife.net/2018/03/22/folic-acid-during-early-brain-development-is-important-but-too-much-is-not-good/
Inside the Petri Dish. Animal Testing Podcast. http://itpd.mprw.co.uk/2018/02/
Women in S.T.E.M. Nafisa Jadavji, PhD: Her Careers and a few lessons learned. https://femstem.com/blog/2018/2/24/nafisa-jadavji-phd-her-career-and-a-few-lessons-learned-nafisa-jadavji

Tip Box Team ABCam. 96 Tips. https://tipbox.abcam.com/
Folic acid during early neurodevelopment is important, but too much is not good. https://womaninscienceblog.wordpress.com/2017/11/07/folic-acid-during-early-neurodevelopment-is-important-but-too-much-is-not-good/
Food for thought. Canadian Institutes of Health Research celebrates Canada 150. http://www.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/50395.html
Twitter Curating:
RealScientists, May. http://realscientists.org/2017/05/28/food-for-thought-literally-with-nafisa-jadavji/
Neurotweeps, April. https://neurotweeps.wordpress.com/2017/04/
Biotweeps, October. https://biotweep.wordpress.com/2017/10/08/091017-nafisajadavji/
Homocysteine and Dementia: Impact of Nutrition on Neurodegeneration. AlzScience Bog. https://alzscience.wordpress.com/2017/04/22/homocysteine-and-dementia-impact-of-nutrition-on-neurodegeneration/#comments
Women in STEM Profile. https://laurendrogos.wordpress.com/2017/03/14/nafisa-m-jadavji/

Metz GA, Jadavji NM, Colwell KL, Perehudoff SK, Smith LK Stress accelerates neuronal degeneration and exaggerates motor symptoms in the rat model of Parkinson’s disease. Society for Neuroscience: Neuroscience 2007 Press Book

Ali F, Jadavji NM, Ong W, Pandey KR, Patananan AN, Parbhala HK, Yang CHT. Supporting Undergraduate Research. Science, 317: 42

Jadavji NM, Kolb B, and Metz GA. Environmental enrichment modulates motor symptoms in a rat model of Parkinson’s disease. The Melorist, p. 3.

Jadavji NM, Kolb B, Diaz Heijtz R, Metz GA. Environmental enrichment modulates motor symptoms in a rat model of Parkinson’s disease. Society for Neuroscience: Neuroscience 2004 Press Book.

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