I am so happy to announce today the #JadavjiLaboratory opens its doors at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine in Carbondale! I am excited to get to supervise and mentor undergraduates, and graduate students, postdocs!
Our new laboratory website will be hosted by Owlstown, https://jadavjilaboratory.academicwebsite.com/
The lab is looking for a Research Assistant, as well as, undergraduate and graduate students, please visit here for more details!
The research in the lab will continue to focus on neuroscience specifically diseases of aging with a nutritional focus.
The research in the lab will continue to focus on neuroscience specifically diseases of aging with a nutritional focus.
I am so grateful to so many mentors for their continued support – it takes a village to raise an Assistant Professor.
I look forward to an exciting and supportive future of research, teaching, and mentorship!